Automatic Slip to Slip Boat Routing

Automatic Boat Routing

i-Boating kernel now supports auto routing for boats. Given a boat's draft, it automatically finds an optimal route (avoid hazards, shallows and still shortest, fastest, minimum fuel) between two points that is safe given the boat's draft. If a route leg goes through a corridor that is not safe for the boat, it is marked in red color.

  • Avoid Hazards, obstructions: i-Boating has a comprehensive database of hazards/obstructions. The routing algorithm will automatically ignore such dangers to navigation.
  • Safe for Boat's Draft: i-Boating has one of the most comprehensive bathymetric database.  This depth database is used to find a route (if such a route exists) where in all depths are higher than the boat's draft. In case such a route does not exist, the i-Boating application will mark such route legs with red color.
  • Optimal: The i-Boating routing AI tries to find the best route in terms of distance, fuel consumption requirements and time, while still making sure that it is safe.
  • Multiple ways to choose end and start: The start and end destination can be selected in multiple ways:
    • Select a point on Map
    • Use Current Location
    • Use an existing Way Point
  • Multi Point Routing: The i-Boating application can compute route between multiple points in succession.
  • Voice Activated Route Assistance:  Route Assistance with moving map is also supported with automatically created routes.
  • GPX Compatible: The automatically created routes can be saved in the route manager and exported as compressed GPX files.

Auto Routing In Action in i-Boating

Using Auto Routing with i-Boating

Auto Routing is supported in i-Boating on all platforms - Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS and Web.

To use auto routing, simply do the following:

  • Press menu/more button and select Auto Route
  • Select Start and End Point

The following annotaed screenshot where all the auto routing controls are in i-Boating.

Auto Routing Controls in i-Boating